Photo of the week - November 8, 2011
The Keswick Theatre. Fuji X100 @ f/2, 1/150. Converted with Nik Silver Efex Pro.

The Keswick Theatre. Fuji X100 @ f/2, 1/150. Converted with Nik Silver Efex Pro.
The Keswick Theatre in the snow. Fuji X100 @ f/2, 1/45. Converted with Nik Silver Efex Pro.
Tickets acquired for the following shows:
I passed on (a) Richard Thompson (Oct. 15 @ the Keswick) since we'll be up there already the following two Saturdays and (b) Gillian Welch & David Rawlings (Oct. 20 @ Union Transfer). I really would have liked to go the the GW/DR show, but it's on a Thursday night and Jen has class then. I've never been to Union Transfer but from what I can tell it's general admission and I'm too old to stand to watch shows :-)