Entries in hoarding (3)


Launching my concert ticket archive

#1 - Michael Hedges in 1990Because I'm a compulsive hoarder of such things, I have most of the ticket stubs for concerts that I've been to in my "adult life" (i.e., those shows I chose to attend...I don't think my parents saved the one from when we saw Joan Baez when I was really little). I have been wanting to do something with them, other than just leave them in a shoe box, and our "new" scanner allowed me to get this going. I have them all scanned and over time I'll be posting them here.


Maybe I'm not a hoarder

A few months ago I wrote about my borderline hoarding tendencies. Well, I'm happy to report that the collection of Acoustic Guitar magazines has found a new home with a nice fellow from craigslist. I was happy to have them go to a fellow bluegrass picker who will appreciate the collection as a whole, and I've got $75 dollars in my pocket to show for it. I don't think I'll miss them, especially since I haven't looked at them in months/years.

So, what can I get rid of next?

As a side note, in my experience about 2/3rds of the people on craigslist are flakes or idiots. I hope I'm in the other 1/3rd, and was glad that the taker of the magazines was a really nice guy.


Am I a hoarder?

We recently did a marathon of the A&E show Hoarders. Just like when you are taking an abnormal psychology class and think you have all the conditions that you learn about, I'm now wondering if I'm a hoarder. The case for it:

  • If I'm interested in something that comes in a series, I typically want the whole series. For example, I've been subscribing to Acoustic Guitar magazine since it the mid-90's and have all the back issues from prior to then. So I have every issue of that magazine. But Acoustic Guitar basically sucks as a periodical now; I don't spend more than 5 minutes looking at it when it comes each month. But I feel compelled to keep subscribing just to keep the collection going. I've thought about getting rid of them (e.g., trying to sell them on craigslist), but I'd only consider that if the buyer would take all of them, and I could cancel my subscription on not receive any more of them. I don't want just a partial collection lingering around here.
  • When there is an item of clothing I particularly like, I'll buy several extra sets if I find them on sale to replace the originals in anticipation of them wearing out. Case in point: I've got multiple boxes of Chacos tucked away in the basement and waiting to been worn. The problem, I've learned, is that Chacos never wear out, so effectively I've got more than a lifetime supply. Same thing with shirts, although those are hanging in the closet. If you ever wonder why I'm always wearing the same shirt, it's not that I re-wear the exact same item day after day. It's because I have four shirts that are the same. 
  • Some of you have seen the guitar room.

Evidence against me being a hoarder: 

  • I was able to let go of my big CD collection and go totally digital a couple of years ago. But I must admit that I'm quickly accumulating a lot of digital music, you just don't see it because it's all on a 2TB hard drive (although that drive is filling up fast).
  • I don't have cats.
  • I don't save spoiled food.

Does anyone want all of the Acoustic Guitar magazines? Come and take them away! Help me, please.