« Photo of the week - July 9, 2013 | Main | Migrating email with YippieMove »


1. & 2. Described here.

3. & 4. Described here.

5. Clam chowder; clams don't have faces so it's probably okay...

6. Was unaware of the bacon bits in the broccolli salad until it was too late.

7. Sauteed some chicken breast for my parents, and then made a wine, pear, and butter sauce in the pan. Sampled it just to make sure it tasted okay, which I thought was prudent given that I was making the recipe up as I went along...

(in case you're keeping track, that's 7 slip-ups in 11 weeks, which isn't too bad in my book!)

8. Mole sauce...pretty sure it had chicken stock in it.

(Update: September 13, 2013...8 slip-ups in 5 months...I'm getting better at this.)

9. Fish stock in the rice. (October 18, 2013)

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