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On blogging

I ran across this cartoon from thedoghousediaries.com and it struck a chord with me. Creating content for a blog is a lot of work; I made a snide comment about my site turning into a tumblr page the other day, and there's some truth to it given that I've been posting a lot of videos that I've run across here (half of this is for me, so I can watch them again). I have created a good deal of content on ScienceOfRelationships.com, and I try to post my photos when I can, but my hats off to those who can generate regular interesting and cohesive content for the interwebs.

Reader Comments (1)

So true! Finding the right balance for blogging has always been a struggle for me: part journal of recipes, techniques, and notes to reference later (for myself), part discussion with baking friends about stuff we've done together, part original recipes...I guess we each just have to find the right balance/voice that works for us (and then, if you're me, second guess yoursel continuallyf.). :-) And there's the part that you're writing for yourself, but with the knowledge that whatever you write is *out there* for anyone to read. BTW I love those kiddo pics you just posted!!

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAbby

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