image source: championdontstop.comWhen you think of all the things "other guys" are into, my one vice is relatively benign, isn't it? I don't have a cigarette (or cigar) habit, nor am I into beer, wine, or other types of alcohol. I don't golf, play poker, fish, or drive an expensive car (my ride is 10 years old and paid off, and gets 40mpg). I'd rather have a $5 burrito than a $30 steak; I don't wear suits or designer clothes. If you take that $3 y'all spend at Starbucks everyday, that starts to adds up to a pretty nice guitar every so often. Let's do the math for the year for the typically vices that most of you have (i.e., not including cigarettes; that would increase these numbers a lot):
- 300 coffees (@ $3 each) = $900
- A couple of six packs a month (@ ~$8 each, two per month) = $200
- A glass of wine or two per week (~1 bottle a month @ ~$20) = $240
- A few rounds of golf a year (I have no idea how much a round costs; maybe $40?): $120
- Haircuts at a barbershop (every other month @ $20 each): $120
- Gym membership (@ ~$30 a month) = $360*
TOTAL = $1940
So, I'm good for about $2000 in guitars a year, right?
*Not that I go to the gym, but if I did I'd use the one at work for free.
Reader Comments (1)
Ha! You totally crack me up! Love this justification for how much you get to spend on guitars each year. I do a similar thing when thinking about how much I can spend on new kitchen gadgets/cookbooks. Although the kinds of beer Eric buys run about $14 (or more!) for a 6-pack. And when you think about the fact that he drinks a bottle or two a night, three or four nights a week, I think you could up your estimate a bit. ;) Too funny........